I was by no means surprised when Clayton and Carolyn Pratt, the members of the the barn quilt committee in Kankakee who lured me with pastry, sent me this photo of the quilt that kicked off their 2010 season--Rhubarb Pie!
This square was mounted on an early 1900s limestone building at the Kankakee County Museum during the annual Rhubarb Festival. Prior to the official ribbon cutting, a family who were looking for the perfect spot for a portrait asked photographer Janet McDowell to use the rhubarb quilt square as the backdrop for their photo--what a great shot!
For more on the Rhubarb Pie quilt: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VU3qXExs9Y
The folks in Kankakee have been busy; three more quilt blocks went up last week:

I have been told that 6 to 10 quilts are planned for this year, but since it's not quite June, I have a feeling that Holly Froning and the other dedicated members of the Kankakee committee will exceed that goal.
To see the rest of the Kankakee project, check out http://web.extension.illinois.edu/kankakee/barn/index.html