Indiana, that is! But before heading out, we had lunch with Donna Sue and then visited her and her mom, Maxine, on their farm. I always think I am going to miss the turn, but this lovely farm--with its golden quilt block--marks the corner.
Glen and I had spotted this barn quilt on the way to lunch, so on the way back to our motel, we stopped back by. The English gentleman who lives there stopped his mowing to give us the tour of the cabin he is building on his property. When asked why has has a Tippecanoe quilt block on his barn, he said, "Well, I don't know--it seems like around here that's what you need to fit in!"
I try not to take photos of Amish folks as they go about their lives, but I figured this fella would be none the wiser. The upside-down ladder in the back of his buggy just struck me somehow.
On our final evening, we stopped by The Rock--a vacation rental property--to see Randi Gish-Smith's latest barn quilt painting. The Pineapple design is emblematic of hospitality--very appropriate to the location!
Our last meal in Ohio was an American classic, and Glen hammed it up with the iconic Big Boy. If only I could find him one of those spiffy checked outfits with the matching hat . . .
A few days later, we were headed back to Indiana. Peru, Indiana, to be exact. Our route took us along a lot of country roads--ideal barn quilting territory, but nary a quilt in sight. Glen spotted this one by the roadside--I don't know the story, but it's definitely quilted!

We have been relaxing for a few days in a lovely guest house--more about that tomorrow.
Meanwhile, the 2014 calendar is available on Amazon now, if that makes ordering easier for y'all.
Click here to Order barn quilt calendar from Amazon
I have a tendency to go Amazon Prime crazy, since I can order everything from batteries to a lawn mower--yes, I really did order a lawn mower--and have it delivered! I suppose our being vagabonds saves a lot of money, though I have to admit that we had quite a few deliveries to our last motel . . .