Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just Around the Corner

Of course the New Year is just around the corner, so I thought I would share a cool little barn quilt--one of only two that I know of that is painted around a corner! This is one of the original quilt squares that make up the sampler of 20 begun by Donna Sue Groves in Adams County, Ohio. I just love the bright, cheerful colors. These folks weren't deterred by the small size of the building; they just put good old fashioned ingenuity to work and created this unique quilt square! I hope that whatever else is just around the corner is as pleasing. For me, that means bringing this project to fruition. Anyone else care to share? Best to all of you for the new year. I appreciate all of the support and kindness I have received from so many!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to let you know that we referenced you on our website here in P.A. for our P.A. Barn Quilt Trail.


    Thank you,

    You have a wonderful blog, and we are happy to share it with others.
