Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lessons Learned

I spent my day in Humboldt and Pocahontas Counties, both of which have beautiful quilt trails. I saw some great barns, met some great people, and learned some lessons along the way:

Lesson # 1: Tiled barns are made of hollow brick; they call them tile because the outer surface is glazed. I also learned what a hip roof is, but that may be TMI. At least for now. I was told to become a barn expert, and I guess Iowa is a good place to study.

Lesson# 2: That scene in North by Northwest when Cary Grant goes face down in an Iowa cornfield when the cropduster is chasing him? Well let me tell you--if you go KNEES down in an Iowa cornfield, you might have a nice photo op (see above left), but you will want to change pants very soon. Very soon. And let the others ride in the trunk.

Lesson # 3: If you slow down and pay attention, you will be amazed by what you see. In this case, I was backing out of a driveway after photographing a nice BQ. I looked back and saw the reflection of the quilt square in a puddle. Pure magic.

Resting in LeMars--near the South Dakota Line. I got here too late for the Ice Cream Days concert but might indulge in a cone from the ice cream capital tomorrow. The jeans still fit. Barely.

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