WOW--after three and a half years, the book is here! And for those of you who ordered in 2011, the books are on their way to you!
Amazon won't be shipping books for a while, but you can look at the page on their website and use the "see inside the book" feature to get an idea of what's in store.
Then head to my spiffy new website and get your autographed copy on its way!
If you have looked at it before, you will find that there is a new look, lots of new features, AND of course, a link to order books. They will come to you signed; if you would like an inscription, you can add that.
The book is done, but I most certainly am not. I'll be heading out a lot over the next few months to speak about barn quilts. That schedule is online also.
And I will be here--perhaps a bit more often--to continue to share news and photos from barn quilt world. Please continue to keep me posted on new developments so that I can pass them along.