Home of Suzi Parron, author with Donna Sue Groves of 'Barn Quilts and the American Quilt Trail Movement" and author of "Following the Barn Quilt Trail."
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Just Around the Corner

Thursday, December 23, 2010
My Gift of Joy

I suppose you could call this a "Christmas Ohio Star," since it's red and green. But for me, it's so much more.
What may seem a somewhat humble barn quilt is by far the most precious.
This was the first quilt square, painted in 2001 in Adams County, Ohio. It was the starting point for the quilt trails from which so many have derived great pleasure--whether in creating or in admiring others' work.
It is the gift that Donna Sue Groves gave to her community and to all of us.
For me, this quilt square represents the greatest gift I have been given in my adult life--the privilege of working with Donna Sue to tell the story of the quilt trail--of the amazing people who paint the blocks and of those who have inspired them to do so. My gifts are many--the stories I have heard, the wealth of history I discovered, the warm hospitality of farmhouses across the country. I have made new friends whom I will treasure forever.
At the end of it all, I will be a published author--a dream of a lifetime and a gift whose price is beyond measure. All of these gifts have been heaped upon me, and it all began with this one quilt barn.
Life brings us all many challenges, and at this holiday season, I don't see a lot of sparkling packages under the tree. But a wealth of gifts, none able to be wrapped and tied with a bow, have come my way.
The greatest of those will always be the joy of friendship with Donna Sue and Maxine Groves.
I hope that you all have an abundance of gifts to celebrate--not just during the holidays but throughout the year.
Happy holidays,
Sunday, December 19, 2010
OH--Christmas Tree!!

Fred Weaver has a white beard--not a long Santa-style one, but still, it adds a bit to the mood.
Fred and wife Lois have operated the farm, which sits right next to their home--for four decades. There is also a Christmas shop full of decorations and holiday treats just past the saws that hang waiting for families who visit to choose and cut their own. And if you wander through the Depression glass and other treasues in Lois's antique shop, you might just end up with a jar of homemade apple butter. Yeah.
I love Christmas. And barn quilts. So this is among my many favorites.
Happy holidays to you all.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Another Fabulous Tree-t!

One of the best parts of this project was visiting places I might never have seen, and Neversink, New York, definitely falls into that category.
I was there in fall, but David and Phyllis Moore, who were my hosts on the trip, were kind enough to provide some photos, including a nice set of snow pics.
This quilt is called Timber Trees, and it lives at the Gotsch tree farm. During the season, they added freshly cut trees to create this lovely scene--there are even a few snowflakes floating by!
There is still plenty of time to order calendars; I am mailing them out daily, so any order before Monday will be there in time for Christmas giving.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Got that tree decorated yet?
This tree would look just incredible with a few lights, I think.
Back to my barn quilts with Christmas Trees theme. This might just be stretching it a bit. OK--I'll admit it--I wanted to sneak in another snow photo.
And that could be a Christmas tree in front of the barn, couldn't it?
This winter scene features the Curry barn in Kankakee, Illinois, with its Maple Leaf quilt block. Those of you who follow me at all probably have noticed that I am partial to Kankakee. And snow.
It's supposed to be about twenty degrees here tonight--but will my world be adorned in white? Nope. Still dreaming, though.
My faithful friend in North Georgia, Susan Tidwell, won the copy of Kansas City Star Book From the Bedroom to the Barnyard in today's drawing!
Susan is one of the few proud creators of barn quilts here in my home state.
I am so excited--I have sent calendars to Australia, England, Canada, and now New Zealand! Pretty darned cool
Stay warm, y'all. And you folks who are enjoying summer right now--pity those of us who are bundled up against the chill!

Back to my barn quilts with Christmas Trees theme. This might just be stretching it a bit. OK--I'll admit it--I wanted to sneak in another snow photo.
And that could be a Christmas tree in front of the barn, couldn't it?
This winter scene features the Curry barn in Kankakee, Illinois, with its Maple Leaf quilt block. Those of you who follow me at all probably have noticed that I am partial to Kankakee. And snow.
It's supposed to be about twenty degrees here tonight--but will my world be adorned in white? Nope. Still dreaming, though.
My faithful friend in North Georgia, Susan Tidwell, won the copy of Kansas City Star Book From the Bedroom to the Barnyard in today's drawing!
I am so excited--I have sent calendars to Australia, England, Canada, and now New Zealand! Pretty darned cool
Stay warm, y'all. And you folks who are enjoying summer right now--pity those of us who are bundled up against the chill!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Let it Snow!!

I will be attending my first holiday party tonight, and we will be out caroling--a dying tradition, perhaps, but one that this particular group has enjoyed for over thirty years.
It's a bit odd, though, to share spiked cider with adults who were the eager children in the front row way back when. Now their kids have become the doorbell ringers!
My theme for this December is Christmas trees with barn quilts. But you have to admit that there is nothing better than a Christmas tree with a barn quilt in snow.
This gorgeous photo came to me from Jo Ann Sadler of Correctionville, Iowa. That part of the country was buried for weeks last year, but at least for now, she can celebrate the beauty here.
"I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" (Just like the ones I've never known . . .)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Oh, Christmas Tree!

Over the past couple of years, I have enjoyed many journeys into the foothills and mountains of Western North Carolina. Beautiful scenery with some really extraordinary barn quilts.
On each trip, I ventured a bit farther, and on a clear fall day I found myself passing Christmas tree farms around every turn--each one a wonderful surprise.
This is the perfect combination of barn quilt and setting--the Cline Church Nursery in Ashe County.
If you look to the left of the barn, you can just glimpse the tree-covered hills that stretch into the distance.
These are the Christmas trees of my childhood--I still have most of the ornaments, some older than I am!
If you have never seen 500 acres of Fraser Firs, it's quite the majestic sight.
No decorations needed here--just Mother Nature's beauty at its best.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Cyber Monday
It's late in the day, but I decided to throw a Cyber Monday sale out there.
Two calendars for $20, including U.S. mailing.
This quilt block is one of my favorites from Fayette County, Iowa.
One of my efforts to be "artsy" with my barn quilt photos!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Making Tracks
Mary Winegar of Oswego, IL won the Kansas City Star barn quilt pattern book--my "Black Friday" giveaway. Stay tuned; I have a couple more giveaways just itching to leave Stone Mountain and head your way.
I hope that everyone had a terrific holiday! Here is another Turkey Tracks for those of us who made tracks to enjoy turkey or had folks make tracks to come visit.
For those of you who follow me on Facebook as well--sorry for the overlap. I try to keep things different, but it's late, and I promised to post this tonight!

I hope that everyone had a terrific holiday! Here is another Turkey Tracks for those of us who made tracks to enjoy turkey or had folks make tracks to come visit.
This one comes to us from Wardsville, Ontario, Canada. Mary Simpson was kind enough to share this quilt from their project.
For those of you who follow me on Facebook as well--sorry for the overlap. I try to keep things different, but it's late, and I promised to post this tonight!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Bountiful Blessings

Hmmm--I just couldn't think of a thing. Someone finally suggested one, and I felt so silly--and realized that I should have put the computer away and stopped posting while I was still awake. Turkey Tracks.
The pattern is not only a very memorable barn quilt for me, but one that I posted just last week! Yikes. Middle-aged brain fog is not among those things for which I will be offering thanks.
There are a handful of Turkey Tracks photos on Facebook if you would like to see them.
Today after considering the fact that I have hundreds of barn quilt photos, I thought maybe--just maybe--there was still one among them that would be perfect for the holiday.
Cornucopia--in Racine, Wisconsin.
I remember visiting this farm, where Marge Demuth told us that she sometimes receives a call asking for “Mrs. Bomar.” The “Bo-Mar Farms” sign that you can see on the end of their barn stands for "Bob and Marge." The barn was used for livestock until the children left home, and is now an indoor play area, with a basketball hoop, swings hanging from the beams, and wooden pews for seating. I'm told that over thirty family members are often gathered in this spot.
I hope the "Bo-Mars" enjoy a wonderful family celebration and wish the same for each of you.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Last Day to Play!
Reminder--the drawing for the free copy of the Kansas City Star Quilts book, From the Bedroom to the Barnyard will take place Thursday. Anyone who orders a calendar between now and then will be entered!
It is a great book for any quilter--especially one who appreciates barn quilts--with a lot of barn quilt info and patterns to make a barn quilt sampler. The book is pictured in the column on the right side of this page; you can click on the image to learn more.

Good luck!
It's another drizzly gloomy day; I'm just glad that I got home before things got too crazy out there.
I decided to go with a cheerful photo this time--a really lovely scene from Racine, Wisconsin. Jean Jacobson's gardens are just spectacular, and the one that graces the area in front of the barn is just a sample.
Of course, the barn quilt was painted by her garden club. I think it really completes the scene!
It is a great book for any quilter--especially one who appreciates barn quilts--with a lot of barn quilt info and patterns to make a barn quilt sampler. The book is pictured in the column on the right side of this page; you can click on the image to learn more.

Good luck!
It's another drizzly gloomy day; I'm just glad that I got home before things got too crazy out there.
I decided to go with a cheerful photo this time--a really lovely scene from Racine, Wisconsin. Jean Jacobson's gardens are just spectacular, and the one that graces the area in front of the barn is just a sample.
Of course, the barn quilt was painted by her garden club. I think it really completes the scene!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Kramer's Quilt

I paid a visit to Jefferson County, TN, at the edge of the Smokies, early last spring.
Jack and Beverly Kramer braved the winds to display "Kramer's Quilt," which was the basis for their barn quilt.
The quilt dates to the 19th century. It came through Jack's family and was found in their home near Rochester, New York. They didn't know the name that the quilter had given it, so they just used their last name, since it was a family quilt.
One quilter said that it was simply Courthouse Steps with a Flying Geese border. I agree with her with regards to the border, but I am not sure about the rest. Quilters--what would you call it?.Barn quilt calendar 2011barn quilts quilt trail
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Grandmother's DollsBarn quilt calendar 2011barn quilts quilt trail

My day in Rowan County was terrific, with the beautiful and diverse Foothills Quilt Trail and friendly ladies to show me--and Gracie, the traveling dog--around.
Brenda Stamm lives right across the street from her family's tobacco farm where this quilt hangs.
She had not only her grandmother's doll quilt but also the patterns that had been cut out of a paper bag and used to make it.
Though many of us know that pattern as Dutch Girl, this one is Dutch Doll, after the doll collector who passed it down to this proud Kentucky farmer's daughter.
Barn quilt calendar 2011barn quilts quilt trail
Kentucky QuestBarn quilt calendar 2011barn quilts quilt trail

Menifee County, Kentucky is a tiny spot tucked into the middle of the state's northeastern hills.
Most of the county is covered by beautiful forests--notably the Daniel Boone National Forest, where this barn quilt resides. I was on the way to another barn--which I never found--but the trip was not in vain.
If you head out to the quilt trail, remember that maps are seldom to scale. You may not find what you are looking for, but sometimes that is OK.
Some of the best discoveries accidental. But you have to slow down just a bit!Barn quilt calendar 2011barn quilts quilt trail
Friday, November 19, 2010
American Quilter's Society Recognizes Barn Quilts!!

The American Quilter's Society chose this page as Blog of the Week and posted to their Facebook page. I am so thrilled! Love to have more and more cloth quilters becoming aware of barn quilts.
Of course, I tend to think that everyone knows about barn quilts. After all, everyone that I know is more than aware of them!
I got to thinking of some barn quilts I have seen that, without the barn in the photo, could pass for cloth quilts. Each of these is a painted quilt!
I can't help wondering whether these were more difficult to paint than they would have been to piece.
So-- What do you think? How many of these quilts pass muster?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hankerin' for the Hills
I was a bit nostalgic today, as
I spent some time talking to my students about my
journey over the past couple of years.
I also gave them a page of my writing to edit, which was very nerve-wracking. Something I have never done before, but I wanted to be "out there" in the same way that they are. And no, not all of them liked it.
So--why this particular block today? I recall the first time I was alone in a car with a quilt trail map in hand, ready to head out for discovery.
It was fall of 2008, Burnsville, NC. Turkey Tracks was near the western edge of the map, so I began there, thinking I would work my way east. What a moment--when I pulled off to the roadside to photograph a barn quilt for the first time.
About a thousand barns later, I still get that little twinge of excitement when I see a bit of color appearing on the horizon or around a curve. And I still haven't worked my way across that North Carolina map!.Barn quilt calendar 2011barn quilts quilt trail
Farmer's Daughter

No, I am not a farmer's daughter, though I have to say that my grandmother--who inspired me to take up quilting--was one heck of a farmer.
She could make a quilt out of most anything--remember those polyester leisure suits--oh, yeah! I chuckled at the time; what I wouldn't give for one of those now! In her later years, "Ms. Nellie," as she was known, grew hundreds of daylilies in coffee cans behind her humble home and was known to landscapers around central Florida--a sharp businesswoman who might slip a jar of pickles to a truck driver if he seemed nice. Nellie always had a greenhouse, so when I saw this photo of Lora Partyka's greenhouse in Orleans County, New York, I loved it right away. Lora is a Farmer's Daughter, and no other block would be appropriate for the quilt trail that she started. I love her bold colors that draw attention to the greenhouse, and the pumpkins for sale in the background are perfect for the season!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Black Friday Giveaway!

Speaking of free, this book is free--or will be to one of you. The book is put together by Kansas City Quilts; they did an amazing job gathering info on barn quilts (I'm in it!) and creating a sampler that includes patterns from nine different barns. They happened to choose one or two of my faves--what good taste!
I have a couple of these--and I actually know where they are--so I am going to include one at no charge along with one calendar order between now and Thanksgiving!
Now you can get a couple of gifts without leaving the house--how cool is that? Or treat yourself.
All orders through 10 PM eastern time Thanksgiving will be entered. That way, I can let you know before the BIG SHOPPING day if you have won--so that you will have one less line to stand in!
If you have already ordered, just post a comment here, and I will include you in the drawing.
I am so ready to get the holidays started!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Ohio Star-ry Night

I love this pattern--Starry Night.
It is one of a small quilt trail in Nebraska created by a group of high school students as part of a service learning project.
This is a great addition to the quilt trail, since the Stars in Starry Night are Ohio Stars. And of course, Ohio is the home of very first quilt trail, in Adams County.
On another note, the barn quilt project in Wardsville, Ontario, Canada is going to be part of the Canadian Quilter's Association Quilt Canada 2011 in London, Ontario. I plan to be there in May when the tour from London heads over to Wardsville to see this great project!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Colorado Classic
Of course, I also liked this one a lot because it is one of the few quilt squares I have seen lately that contain orange and blue.
I am an Atlanta gal but will always be a Florida Gator, you know..Barn quilt calendar 2011barn quilts quilt trail
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Another one Bites the Dust

Oh, how I love this photo. I saw a portrait-sized enlargement of it in the home of Mrs. Juanita Porter, in Kentucky.
Her husband's family has been prominent in the area for generations; when the one-room school across from their house was replaced, they had the little building moved to the property near their barn--hence the Schoolhouse quilt block.
When I saw this photo, I immediately contacted the photographer, who was gracious enough to grant the rights to it. OH, how I hated to lose this one. But there wasn't much more to the story than what I have written here, so despite the beauty of the photo, it didn't make the cut. I did manage to go from 156 photos down to 86, which was mighty painful!
This was the first time I saw tobacco hanging in a barn with a quilt block on it. It's hard to think of tobacco as beautiful, but at least as part of a barn quilt photo it is!
.Barn quilt calendar 2011barn quilts quilt trail
Sunday, November 7, 2010
An Adams County Original

This barn quilt is one of the original 20 painted in Adams County, Ohio--the first quilt trail. The Sawtooth Star is at Mary Hughes' barn and was painted by artist Charlie Reed.
This was before quilt blocks were painted on plywood and then hung--imagine spending a couple of days up on scaffolding painting this huge work of art!
When I visited with Mary she talked about having the barn repainted. She said, "The wind was blowing and they fastened a covering so that they wouldn’t get any paint on the quilt, but they got one little tiny dribble on one corner." If you look closely, you can see their little "oops," but from the road, the quilt square still looks perfect..Barn quilt calendar 2011barn quilts quilt trail
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tenacious in Tennessee
If you want to hear a great tale and are ready to "set a spell," this is the place to go--the owner, Ron Dawson, is like a storyteller from bygone days. I spent over an hour there and would have spent more had I not been on a schedule.
This is the oldest continuously operating business in Tennessee and dates back to before the Revolutionary War. Just a fascinating spot. And of course, the Dutch Boys and Dutch Girls on the quilt block make it even more so.
It has held up remarkably well--just last week, raging winds tore one end of the mill off and sent boards flying in all directions. Ron shook his head and just said, "We'll get it all put back together in no time."
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A Determined Barn Quilter

I'm not going to claim that this is the most spectacular barn quilt ever, but I love the story. The quilt trail was originally conceived by Donna Sue Groves to honor her mother, Maxine, who is from Roane County, West Virginia.
Eighty-eight year old Roane County resident Reva Snodgrass read an article about the quilt trail and knew Maxine from long ago. So she painted this quilt--by herself, in a tent next to her house. I thought the shape a bit odd, but I then realized that a whole cloth quilt actually would be rectangular.
It was, as the song goes, a rainy night in Georgia, and it's been followed by a very rainy day. I needed a feel good story to break through the clouds.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
A Thing of Beauty

I have headed for the hills to get this final revision done. Of course, I knew I would be only a short hop away from some of my favorite barn quilts, so we took the afternoon off. I thought it might do me some good to be "out in the field," and it did!
I got lucky with this photo today--an old favorite, Tennessee Tulip, in Blaine, TN. The barn has a tin roof, and the glare off of it has thwarted two previous attempts to get a decent shot. Good timing today!
Of course, I had to make up for some lapses in other areas. I left my GPS in Atlanta, then unpacked the car and put everything in the cabin--drove off with my quilt trail map but no map of the surrounding area!
I was shocked at my sexist behavior. I stopped at an auto parts shop to ask directions--figured some burly man would know how best to get to Highway 11W. Asked one guy behind the counter--Not sure. The other one--Nope. I sighed. Then the woman who was standing next to me asked, "Do you want me to tell you?" Shame on me!

On the way back, I was kind of proud of myself--still had no clue how to get back to the highway, but I did know that it was west.
The sun was beginning to lower in the sky, and just as we passed a couple of really excited-looking groups headed out for hayrides, I figured out which way to go. I guess we did find our way around before GPS, didn't we?
I didn't get a photo of it, but you know I love a good public typo. Passed a church marquee that read, "It doesn't matter who you are; it matters who's you are." My ninth graders are going to enjoy that one when I return.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Hazel's Memory Quilt
Driving through Roane County, West Virginia, at anything above 35 miles per hour is treacherous--miles of hills and steep curves and winding roads with little respite. As I was concentrating on navigating safely, this barn was hardly a blur as we whizzed by. The barn itself isn't much of an attention grabber, but something made me turn back.

How sweet is this? An old time quilting tradition, recreated with paint. What a great family tribute.
How sweet is this? An old time quilting tradition, recreated with paint. What a great family tribute.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Another Friendly Farm

In my last post, I said that I had seen the block "Farm Friendliness" only one other time on the quilt trail, so I thought it would be interesting to compare the two. This one is on the Rannels farm in Vinton County, Ohio.
Bob Rannels was indeed a friendly farmer, who spent over an hour explaining how his barn had been constructed and subsequently raised--something I had learned was fairly common. The other interesting this about this barn is that the roof is made of slate tiles, just like the ones that were used on churches and other public buildings in the eighteenth century.
Bob had some extra tiles nearby, and he gave me one to take with me as a souvenir. I just realized that this post has something else in common with the last one as well. That slate piece caused havoc at the security gate at the Cincinnati airport!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Farm Friendliness

I have seen this block only once before on the quilt trail, which seems a bit odd--Farm Friendliness is a great way to describe the quilt trail experience! You can see more of the great foliage here as well. What can I say? The leaves in Georgia are never this vibrant, or if they are, it's for about a day and half!

Isn't this little girl on her swing precious? I love the fact that these folks placed quilts at spots that are significant to the community in addition to the barns along the way.

Our last stop before heading out was at a wonderful farm where the North Star block hangs on the barn in honor of the part that the Quakers in Michigan played in the Underground Railroad. I had such a great time talking to the folks here; these heirloom squash are grown on the property and just looked so perfect arranged on the porch.
Finally, back to the teeny tiny airport, where apparently only "kown" persons are to be trusted. Sorry, but I love public typos!
The bad part? About five minutes after I stood laughing at this sign, I was explaining to the TSA folks why I had a rather large serrated knife in my purse. Yes, I keep a knife so that I can cut my veggies up for lunch at work. The traces of red pepper on the blade seemed to convince them that my story was true and that it was an honest mistake. Of course, now I need a new knife. The really scary part--I flew to Michigan with that knife in my purse!!
Speaking of forgetting, don't forget to order your calendars!

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Props for me!
When flying from Atlanta to Detroit, I joked to the woman beside me--"Yeah, I am flying into such a tiny airport--I'll be the plane will have props. SO--of course, it did! I did find that the humming of the floor provided a great foot massage, though!

Alcona County, Michigan is beautiful right now--the peak of fall colors. The barn pictured has the "Horse in the Cabin" block on it. When my tourguide, Cindi, first told me the name, I said, "HUH? But of course it is a Log Cabin pattern with a horse in the center to signify the horses that were once raised on this farm.
Off for more barn viewing in the crisp fall air.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What are you Looking At?
Barn quilts vary widely--from the lovely replicas of old time patchwork quilts to the carefully designed patterns created using computer software and painted to exacting specifications.
I, of course, love them both--and everything in between.
Sac County, Iowa, is one of the finest
examples of the latter category. Their quilts are executed with such care that they almost look as if they are not painted. But I assure you that they are.
examples of the latter category. Their quilts are executed with such care that they almost look as if they are not painted. But I assure you that they are.
I loved these horses--they seem to be saying, "Hey--look at us; we're better looking than that thing hanging on the barn!"
The hay mow of the barn has been converted into offices for a feed business. The railing by which the hay fork would be pulled into the barn is still in place along the ceiling. The owner says that if a salesman gets out of hand--he might get the hook! Just kidding of course, but it made me laugh.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Kentucky's Finest

Marlene Frost of Washington County, Kentucky, sent me these photos of her exciting new project.
The quilt squares are based on Civil War era

The quilts were made by the same quilter using the same fabrics--I wish we knew more about their history! I think Marlene did a great job of replicating them.
Marlene also created two 3 by 3 foot quilt blocks for the property in Casey County where the quilts were found. The tiny building is built into a small mound with only the doors and roof protruding. Mattie says that her mother-in-law parked her small '48 auto in this tiny building!
Marlene also created two 3 by 3 foot quilt blocks for the property in Casey County where the quilts were found. The tiny building is built into a small mound with only the doors and roof protruding. Mattie says that her mother-in-law parked her small '48 auto in this tiny building!

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Variations on a theme

The Log Cabin has always been one of my favorite cloth quilts, partly because I think it offers so much room for interpretation.
I always enjoy finding one on the quilt trail, and I have found that painted versions of this pattern have a lot of variety as well. Above left is one of the first from Grundy County, Iowa--just gorgeous!
I love the black barn with the quilt from Scott County, Kentucky; their choosing to include multiple blocks shows what the pattern looks like when put together.

On the left is an interpretation from Miami County, Ohio--some interesting "fabric" choices here. Like the one from Grundy, it is painted directly on the barn surface. It's a lot of very difficult and sometimes dangerous work, but gosh--the results are stunning!
Below is a great little barn in Monroe County, Ohio--another beauty painted directly on the wood surface. If you look closely, you will see that someone peeked out his window to see what I was up to!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Spoiled in Seneca
If this isn't the coolest thing in quilt world, I don't know what is! The quilt car was created by an incredible quilter--Jenny Grobusky--and was parked in front of the entrance to the Lake and Mountain Quilters Guild show in Seneca, SC.
Of course, my real mission was to meet Martha File, who coordinates the efforts of the Upstate Heritage Quilt Trail and to see the artistry they have created. One of my faves is this Double Wedding Ring, in downtown Westminster. I love the detail in each swatch of fabric.
When I am out on the quilt trail, I never allow myself to stop to see cloth quilts. I have had to walk away from homes full of antique treasures so that I could budget my time.
Not so, today. I traveled just across the GA line to Seneca and was determined to spoil myself with a leisurely look through this show. What a great display of artistry and the perfect start to the day.

I titled this post "Spoiled," and if you have read this far, you may be wondering what I mean. Two words for you--Pimento cheese. Yeah. Homemade southern yumminess for lunch--you can't order this stuff in an Atlanta restaurant, that's for sure. The sandwich itself was worth the drive!
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