The above photo is from my most recent TN trip. The location is the Joppa Mountain Pottery studio in Grainger County. Really down to earth folks who live and make their living in an idyllic mountain setting.
I have been trying to get back to the mountains of North Carolina since April; every time I plan a trip, it rains. One of the farmers up there says that I am a better predictor than the weather service! But I have had some great phone visits with the folks in Ashe County.
This week I am "traveling" via phone and email.
The trail is expanding more quickly than I had ever imagined. The community of Tillamook, Oregon took up the idea in January; they will have fifteen squares up in time for the fair in August. In Hatton, Missouri , the project started this spring with plans to have a trail of ten in place by September. I have also enjoyed phone visits with folks in Colorado, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. And it's only Monday!
Next Monday I will be off to Iowa for a ten-day tour. There are over 300 quilt barns across that state.
Hmm . . . thirty a day?? My goal is not to see each one on a whirlwind tour but to work with extension agents in each county to find the most beautiful barns and the most interesting stories. I look forward to sharing those with you.