Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lots Happening 'Round Here!

Can't help it--I LOVE a round barn! This barn in Green County, Wisconsin was the first such barn that I saw, and now--it's wearing a barn quilt!! Lynn Lokken, my pal who is one of the organizers in Green County, sent along these great summer photos. This barn is located at the local apple orchard. The center of the quilt is taken from a Hex Sign that has hung on the barn for years and has become something of a logo for the business. The custom-designed barn quilt is called Apple a Day!

According to Lynn, the Zettles were debating tearing this barn down. Instead, they fixed it up so that it could be home to this Sunflower barn quilt. I love it when a barn quilt saves a barn!

The Bauman's barn quilt is Belted Star. Isn't this a glorious setting??

This last barn is one of the stars of the upcoming calendar. The Bartlett family provided the barn quilt committee with a photo of an unnamed family quilt. Kris Winkler, the other force behind this incredible quilt trail, reproduced the quilt in all of its 14-color glory! Summer Sunday is so named because it reminds one of the farmer's daughters of her favorite days of the year.

There ia a lot more going 'round in barn quilt world. I am traveling to Ashe County, North Carolina next week to speak at a literary festival and hope to stop to see some old friends on the way. Meanwhile, the book is in the final design stages and is still on track for February. It's getting closer . . .


  1. Wow! I didn't even think about it being time for another calendar.
    2012 will get here too fast for me.

  2. Check out Pennsylvania Hex signs. You might be surprised :)

  3. Jeff--yep! It's already that time!

    Lizzie--not sure what you mean; Pennsylvania hex signs are pretty well known. I do know of one other barn quilt (in NC) that is designed around a hex, but the two traditions are very different and don't generally intersect.

  4. This round barn reminds me of the one up at the Shelburne Museum near Burlington, VT. I was there a few weeks ago and it's incredible to see it up close! As well as all of their QUILTS!~ Have you been?!?! It's wonderful if you are in the area or want to make the trip. I spent 4 days there!

  5. I think it’s wonderful that barn quilts are being used to preserve these historic barns.
