My friend Pat Gorman--who brought the barn quilts to Iowa--has arranged for me to meet with all of the BQ people in several counties. Julie, Nancy, Rosemary, Willa, Jane, Rachel--the women of Washington County--were so welcoming this afternoon. How can you go wrong with iced cookies? Did I mention that I promised myself to lose a couple of pounds this week? Oops.
Ninety-four year old Marie Hora doesn't consider herself a committee member; she is "just a barn owner who likes to paint." I hope to be included in a painting session when I return next week. I have still not put a paintbrush to a barn square! It's about time.
also showed us the Artful Bras, based on a similar program in South Carolina, that she and some friends had made and auctioned to benefit breast cancer research. Each one has a theme--some sweet, such as this Grandmother's Flower Garden, which is one of my favorites. One was created with watermelon fabrics--protect your melons!

Julie claims that barn quilts can only be properly photographed with "poofy clouds," and I tend to agree. So when Pat and I headed out under overcast skies, I took only a couple of quick photos of each barn. The sky began to clear, then turned blue, then POOF. Picture time!
A nice day overall--if only Pat hadn't left her phone on top of the car and found it in the road in pieces.
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