Darn--I thought the other photo was bad.
Gonna have to start taking headshots with me!
Click on the article to enlarge.
I have to thank Pat Gorman again for helping me with my trip. Having the press coverage was her idea, and it has brought me quite a few new contacts! Pat is not only a good "handler," as I called her, but a good press agent as well!
I have been working feverishly to get my Iowa interviews transcribed,
as I am hoping to head to Burnsville, NC Thursday. The lady mentioned in the latter part of the news article is from Burnsville. I met her at a barn quilt hanging, and she and her husband have always had a bed ready for me since then..
Other than listening and typing, I met some interesting barn quilters over the phone today. I finally tracked down groups both in Nebraska and Indiana; I also caught up with old friends in Tennessee and made some new ones in Illinois.
Remind me again how long I have to get this project done??
I suppose I had better add a photo of a barn quilt so that those of you who are checking in--and I do appreciate the emails and contacts from you all--won't be disappointed. Since I am headed to Burnsville, the photo is from an earlier trip to that area.
Hoping for good weather so that I can get some great photos.
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