Oops--there goes the English teacher with her silly puns!
Jan Struble of Loomis, California sent along this photo of the barn quilt called Citrus Beauty. Jan says, "We chose this pattern because it represents our mandarin orange orchard and the natural beauty of it from the bloom, the mandarin orange forming, the different colors found in the leaves, up until the harvest of the fruit."
Jan plans to add another quilt to the other side of the barn. It is almost harvest time, so those who come to the farm will be greeted with a beautiful painted quilt. According to Jan, her husband, the farmer, will have a hand in choosing the next pattern--always a good sign!
I hope that Jan is successful in generating interest in this wonderful project that has helped bring together so many communities.
Stay tuned--Jan's infectious enthusiasm is sure to catch on, and soon, California's second barn quilt trail will blossom!
If you haven't checked barnquiltinfo.com, please do stop by. It's a great resource for barn quilt info. Also, gift certificates for autographed books are on sale. It just makes my day when I see that someone wants to "pre-give" a copy of the book!
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