Yesterday I felt the calling and headed up to Watauga County for a couple of hours. They don't have a lot of quilts, but the scenery is grand. I do like this sunflower variation; The green of the roof, the boards, the pattern--nice combo.
I met the "Barn Quilter," Bruce Ball, who has a blog that talks about all of the goings on in BQ world. barnquiltmemories.blogspot.com. I have met so many wonderful people online; it is always great to put the human face with the name on my screen.
Today--more perfect weather, so I headed off even further to Ashe County. Some really fine work from what I saw.
Of course, it's not a complete barn quilting day without an incident. First, I sat on a bee. It must not have seen me coming, as it only stung a little.
Then I rounded a curve and saw a turtle in the road. Poor fella was going to be roadkill any second! As I picked it up to set it back in the grass, I noticed its nose was really long and pointy. I quickly sort of shoved him in the right direction just as his neck extended. I didn't know they had snapping turtles in North Carolina. Poor fella indeed.
The day ended on a relaxing note with dinner at the Websters. Fresh raspberry ice cream! Their farm is home to some beautiful birds that seem to only exist in books. Two on the same feeder--an almost neon yellow Goldfinch, and an Indigo Bunting--just as beautiful as the name.
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